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Laura Hillegeist
LES Paraprofessional, Asst. 11th Grade Sponsor
(785) 524-4487
Hillary Holeman
6th-12th Grade Counselor, 10th Grade Sponsor
(785) 524-4193
Barb Holtz
LES Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4487
Deb Howell
LJSHS Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4193
Henry Huck
6-12 Music Teacher
LJSHS Certified
(785) 524-4193
Jason Hull
Asst. Football
(785) 524-4193
Kylie Hull
LES Paraprofessional
LES Classified
(785) 524-4487
Jane Jewell
LES/LJSHS Office Aide
(785) 524-4487
Vicky Jewell
LES Custodian
(785) 524-4487
Allison Johnson
Speech Language Pathologist
(785) 524-4487
Bethany Jordan
LES/LJSHS Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4487
Rhonda Keller
LJSHS Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4913
Jill King
LES Paraprofessional
LES Classified
(785) 524-4487
Chase Klozenbucher
PE, Asst. FB, HS Boys Basketball
(785) 524-4193
Norma Kobbeman
BOE Secretary/Food Service
District Office
(785) 524-4436
Sharon Luck
LES Title I Coordinator
(785) 524-4487
Meita Lyne
JH Girls Volleyball
(785) 524-4193
Wyvonne Lyne
LES Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4487
Becky McQueen
Transition Specialist
Tynisha Merrell
LES Paraprofessional
(785) 524-4487