The August 12th board meeting will take place at LJSHS. Reminder all board meetings will begin at 6:00 pm this year.
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
Reminder for girls conditioning:
7 months ago, Mikayla Zamecnik
Little Leopard Learners has one opening for this school year! If you know of someone needing care please have them contact Krista Biggs.
7 months ago, Krista Biggs
LLL still has one more opening for this school year! If you know of someone in need of care please have them contact Krista Biggs!
Little Leopard Learners has one more opening if you know of anyone needing care please have them reach out to Krista Biggs!
7 months ago, Krista Biggs
LLL still has one more opening! if you know of someone needing care please have them reach out to Krista Biggs!
Updated information is available for the Yondr bags for students grade 9-12 for this school year.
7 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
LHS Students that have paid for their school chrome book may pick them up starting August 20, 2024 from 9 am - 3 pm. For any questions please email
7 months ago, Stefanie Couch
Check out this information for JH volleyball parents and participants.
7 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
Due to scheduled maintenance the LJSHS Gym is closed to Community Card access from Monday, August 5th through Monday, August 12th. Gym opens back up on Tuesday, August 13th. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
7 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
Our district is looking for an IT Coordinator for the 2024-2025 school year, effective immediately. USD 298 Lincoln offers a competitive salary and has a great benefit package. Salary is negotiable based on experience and education. For an application, please click HERE to go to Career Opportunities on our website. If you have questions, please feel free to call the District Office at (785) 524-4436.
7 months ago, Jan Wilson
Remember - school enrollment is tomorrow, July 31st and Thursday, August 1st, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Jr/Sr High school. Please enter through the north doors by the concession area. You will need to meet with staff in the concessions room first.
7 months ago, Jan Wilson
Due to scheduled maintenance the LJSHS Gym is closed to Community Card access from Monday, August 5th through Monday, August 12th. Gym opens back up on Tuesday, August 13th. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
7 months ago, Jan Wilson
The mySAEBRS tool, produced by FastBridge Illuminate for grades 2 through 12, is a quick, five-minute social, academic, and emotional behavior risk screener. It is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening students to identify those who are at risk for social-emotional behavior concerns. This is the same company that is used for the district’s math and reading assessments. Having all three assessments on the same platform allows educators to have easy access to the results while meeting state requirements for assessment and screening. All data is securely gathered and specific to each student, with results containing a scaled score. Student-specific results are available to parents. To learn more about MySAEBRS/SAEBRS visit Over 70% of schools in Kansas use MySAEBRS/SAEBRS to identify needs that may present barriers to learning. Results from this survey are one piece of data to help educators identify and provide instruction and interventions within their classrooms. No personally identifiable data of students will be collected through the administration of the survey. The surveys take about 5 minutes and are done on the student’s individual device. Before the survey is administered, the student will be informed that the student has the right to refuse to take the survey and that the student will not suffer any adverse consequences based on such refusal. Additional information is available on our website on the parent page and at enrollment.
7 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
If you would like bus transportation, provided by DS Bus Lines, for your student to and from school, you must complete this form. Forms will also be available for enrollment. Students that are currently being transported must reapply for the new year. If you live within the city limits of Lincoln you are not eligible for transportation.
7 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
Track Update! Big news at Mettner Field! The entire track has been poured and it looks amazing! Thank you Solid Rock Construction for your dedication to making sure it is exactly right. A fun fact, the track contained 675 square yards of concrete. There is still work to finish up at the track and the track has to cure before the rubber can be installed. Remember the track is still closed for construction as they remove forms, finish the high jump pits, and do a lot dirt work.
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
It's time for a track renovation update! More exciting things happening at Mettner Field!! The track is very close to being prepared for its first load of concrete! Here are some fun facts: There were 22,000 ties at each intersection of rebar, 1800 stakes holding the forms in place, the track is level within one inch around the inside and around the outside forms, and a 1% grade from inside to outside! Stay tuned as renovations continue!
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
Are you needing some exercise equipment or some lockers? For more information call us at the Board Office 785-524-4436.
8 months ago, Jan Wilson
2024-2025 Enrollment packets are available for pickup at the Board Office, 133 E. Lincoln Avenue, Lincoln, on Friday, July 12 and Monday, July 15 from 9 am - 3 pm. Packets not picked up those dates will be mailed to families on Tuesday, July 16. Enrollment will be held July 31 and August 1 from 11 am - 7 pm at the LJSHS Commons. See you soon!
8 months ago, Norma Kobbeman
Little Leopard Learners has openings for this coming school year. If you or someone you know is looking for childcare or have any questions please contact Krista Biggs.
8 months ago, Krista Biggs
we have openings for Little Leopard Learners for this coming school year. if you or someone you know is looking for childcare or have any questions please contact Krista Biggs.
Become a part of our team!
8 months ago, Jan Wilson
The USD #297 Board of Education Office will be closed Thursday July 4th and Friday July 5th in observance of the Holiday. Enjoy your holiday!
8 months ago, Jan Wilson