We want you!! Hey Lincoln Community we want your help to celebrate homecoming week. Check out this year's homecoming activities and we hope you can participate.
6 months ago, Nikki Flinn
The 3 year old preschool and 4 year old preschool classes had their first trip to the school library this year. We read a book and sang about farm animals.
6 months ago, Debbie Breneman
3yr preschool
4 yr preschool
More pictures of the Lady Leopards VB team!
6 months ago, Stefanie Couch
Great Serve!
Way to play!
Great Work
Nice Job!
Great Effort!
Way to go!
Great Serve!
Great Effort!
Lady Leopards Volleyball split at Downs tonight. They got the win over Lakeside 25-22, 22-25, 25-13. They lost to Thunder Ridge 18-25, 15-25.
6 months ago, Stefanie Couch
VS Lakeside
VS Lakeside
Vs Lakeside
Vs Lakeside
Vs Lakeside
Vs Lakeside
VS Lakeside
First Match
First Match
First Match
Tonight's high school football jamboree will be available to live stream at this link starting at 6 pm. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/lincoln-high-school-lincoln-ks/gam02ca3bfc5d
6 months ago, Brenda White
The Lincoln High School Football Jamboree scheduled for tomorrow, August 30, 2024, will begin at 6:00 pm.
6 months ago, Jan Wilson
The Clifton-Clyde High School Volleyball Invitational scheduled for September 14, 2024 has changed the start time. Games will begin at 9:00.
6 months ago, Jan Wilson
What a great way to cap off the summer with all of these athletes who finished their summer 80% attendance or better! Shout out to Bank of Tescott for sponsoring our meals on this trip and supplying bottles of water! Thank you to everyone!
6 months ago, Colby Hamel
Football Jamboree Friday @ 6:00 pm Mettner Field Lincoln, KS
6 months ago, Colby Hamel
6-12 grades Open House Schedule: August 27, 2024; 6 pm - 7 pm. 6 pm - 6:30 pm: JH parents and students meet in the commons area with Mrs. Couch 6 pm - 6:30 pm: HS parents and students tour classes and meet teachers 6:30 pm - 7 pm: JH parents and students tour classes and meet teachers 6:30 pm - 7 pm: HS parents and students meet in the commons area with Mrs. Couch
6 months ago, Stefanie Couch
Don't forget Open House on Tuesday, August 27th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m for both LJSHS and LES (1st - 5th) students and parents/guardians. LES parents/guardians have the option to attend either the 6:00 - 6:30 session or the 6:30 - 7:00 session.
6 months ago, Nikki Flinn
Hello everyone, I'm Mr. Huck the new music teacher at the high school. Since school is just getting started, I was looking at the roster numbers for band and I realized that we do not have the numbers for a football pep band. A few of our members are in football and that takes a huge hit to our overall sound. With that said I might have figured out an idea to help us, so this is me testing the waters. The idea would be to have outside of school pep band rehearsals, we would meet once a week likely on Tuesday nights from 6:30pm-8:00pm. This offer is extended to any 7-12th graders interested and/or any community members that play an instrument. With that said, most of the work to get this music to sound good will need to happen outside of these rehearsals. Depending on the number of people interested we could possibly find a way for you to borrow an instrument if needed. I will attach the list of pep tunes and an interest form below for those who would be willing to do this. There will also be a question on the form to list any reasons you might be on the fence about doing it. Interest Form: https://forms.gle/kCr2J8GFJDcxPzzk9
6 months ago, Henry Huck
Pep Tunes List Pg 1
Pep Tunes List Pg 2
The playground is ready! Thank you to the Junior Sunflower 4H group for helping us spruce up and spread our mulch in the playgrounds at LES for the start of the 24-25 school year.
6 months ago, Nikki Flinn
2024-2025 Teacher's First Day Back! Great Day!!!
6 months ago, Stefanie Couch
Team work
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Our Leader!
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Reminder: LHS Students that have paid for their school Chromebook may pick them up starting today from 9 am - 3 pm. Agreements will need to be signed by both the parent and student (if it wasn't at enrollment). For any questions please email white.brenda@usd298.com
6 months ago, Brenda White
Thank you Lincoln Rec and Darcy Couse for putting together a fall sports clinic for our youth. Thank you to our Lincoln volleyball coaches and our Lincoln football coaches for your time and dedication to continue to work with our youth.
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
Welcome to USD 298 new teachers and staff! New staff training began this morning for 298 staff.
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
It's almost that time of year for fall sports to start!!! The first day of practice starts Monday, August 19th for cross country, volleyball and football for all junior high and high school students. Remember you need a physical before you are allowed to practice . Here is the fall sports schedule: JH Volleyball @ LES gymnasium 3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. HS Volleyball @ LJSHS gymnasium 3:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. JH & HS Cross Country @ LJSHS 4:00 p.m. JH & HS Football @ Fieldhouse 3:45 p.m.
7 months ago, Nikki Flinn
5 days of hard work!! We are so proud of all these girls who showed up this week to sports conditioning! We ended the week with water balloons and snow cones! Thank you PTCO for the snow cones!
7 months ago, Mikayla Zamecnik
Lincoln Elementary Parents - PreK through 5th grade - Please join us for a fun evening at the Lincoln City Pool to start our new school year. Tonight from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
7 months ago, Jan Wilson