Senior parents that need help filling out the FAFSA can join a drop-in virtual event where they can receive one-on-one support from financial aid professionals from across the state of Kansas!

Senior parents that need help filling out the FAFSA can join a drop-in virtual event where they can receive one-on-one support from financial aid professionals from across the state of Kansas!

Attention Parents!!! There is a Drivers Education class being offered this summer. The sign-up sheet is in the high school office. There are only 9 spaces left. There is a cost to take the class. It happens during the month of June. Students must be 14 years old before June 9, 2025. If you want your child signed up please email Martha Miller.

Senior Parents! Tonight is the last night for the virtual FAFSA Event. It is a drop-in event from 5-7:30 pm. It's a great way to get assistance with the FAFSA. The post with information is on the website.

Spring Sports Pictures will be March 25. Packets will be handed out March 24(not here yet). The link below will allow you to order online.

Pre-School round up is around the corner!

2025 NPL Powerlifting (Lincoln, KS) March 27 11:00 am

First JH Track Practice yesterday was a success!

ELA IV students applying their technical reading skills. Thank you NHS for purchasing tables for outdoor learning area.

For Read Across America Week, LHS ELA students tracked the number of pages read during their 10 minute reading time in class. A total of 3,650 pages were read! Great job students!

5th grade Science

8h Grade Parents please remember to bring your 8th grader to 8th Grade Pre-Enrollment on Wednesday, March 12th at 6:30 in the LHS commons area. We will be discussing graduation credits and your students educational plans for the next four years. If you are unable to attend, please contact Mrs. Holeman.

Wyatt Schroeder with Kansas Livestock Association, also 2012 graduate of LJSHS, came and spoke to the agriculture classes today over safety within the industry. Wyatt also brought his safety trailer and did a few demonstrations.

Congratulations to Hazel M., Tyra M., Cooper R., Jeremiah M., and Xavier M. on receiving All-NPL Basketball honors this season!!

Attention Jr. High track parents and athletes.
Here is the code to join the remind app for this years team. If you were apart of the JH track remind app last year it will be the same one this year. We will be making post within the app for parents and athletes to stay in communication with coaches. If you have any questions please contact coach Perkins.

First eSports Competition.

Spring Sports Beginning Dates:
Golf: Thursday March 6th
Jr. High Track: Monday March 10th
Baseball: Tuesday March 11th
High School Track: Wednesday March 12th

Nicholas Ledet, A SSG US ARMY, presented a USA flag to LJSHS that was flown in Saudi Arabia in honor of LJSHS. He was a 2012 graduate of LHS.


Reminder parent teacher conferences tomorrow, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 11th from 4-8. If your child is in grades PreK - 3rd grades please use the QR code to sign up for a time. All other grades are come and go.