The school's used weight room equipment is being sold. If you are interested, email the weights teacher, Dustin Patee, Item: Incline Bench (x2) Cost: $10 (each)
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Incline Bench
The school's used weight room equipment is being sold. If you are interested, email the weights teacher, Dustin Patee, Item: 45 pound squat bar Cost: $30
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
45 lb. Squat Bar
The school's used weight room equipment is being sold. If you are interested, email the weights teacher, Dustin Patee, Item: 45 pound bar Cost: $30
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
45 lb. Bar
Have you downloaded the new USD 298 Lincoln app?
almost 7 years ago, Kathy Robertson
USD 298 Lincoln App
Congratulations to M. Lyne on making the 2018 NPL All Star Volleyball Team. She will play tonight at 6 pm at Rock Hills High School against the All Star Team from the Twin Valley Conf. of Nebraska.
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
REMINDER--The 2018 JH Boys Basketball Camp is next Wednesday-Friday (June 13th-15th) from 8:00-10:00 am at the LHS gym. Any incoming 7th or 8th grade boy is welcome to attend. There is no cost and the focus will be on skills, skills, skills and fun. If you haven't already signed up, call or text Coach Metz at 785-531-9569 to let him know that your son will be attending.
almost 7 years ago, Christi Walter
The summer food program sponsored by the Lincoln Hospital began today. Children ages 1 through 18 are eligible. Stop by Lincoln Elementary School, Monday through Friday, from 11:45 - 12:30.
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
USD 298 phone system is currently down this morning due to maintenance. We will let you know when they are back up. Thank you!
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Lincoln USD 298 app is available on Google Play today! Download it now!
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Congratulations to Marvin Rediker! Mr. Rediker received an honorary Lincoln High School diploma. As a fifteen year old, Mr. Rediker left Lincoln High School to join the Army during World War II. Thank you for your service.
almost 7 years ago, Kathy Robertson
Marvin Rediker - 2018
Marvin Rediker - WWII
Check out the new USD 298 website at Sign up for the new app currently available for download on the App Store. Coming soon to Google Plan (5/30/18).
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Congratulations, USD 298 Retirees - Marylyn Bell, Kevin Feldkamp and Jolene Wirth! Thank you for your combined 106 years of education service! We wish you the best!
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Congratulations to Jolene Wirth, Marylyn Bell, and Kevin Feldkamp on their retirement.
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
LJSHS Gym and Weight Room will be closed to Community Card members July 16-July 29. Access will open at 7 p.m. on July 30.
almost 7 years ago, Norma Kobbeman
Due to potential weather, the 2A Regional Track Meet has been moved to Thursday. Smith Center Date: 5/17 Field Events:2:00 PM Prelims:4:30 PM Finals:6:00 PM
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
IMPORTANT.....we will be playing Canton-Galva IN LINCOLN today starting at 4:30 pm here at the East Ballfield. The game was previously scheduled to be played at Canton-Galva--we are now playing in Lincoln.
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
Lincoln Medical Clinic will be doing physicals for students Grades 6-12 May 14. The physical form is posted on or you can pick one up at the LJSHS office. Return the form and the physical by Friday, May 11. For questions, notify Elizabeth Sheldon.
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
May Nurse Physical Information Letter
Today’s High School track meet at Tescott has been called off due to potential weather.
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
5th Grade DARE graduation ceremony is today at Sylvan-Lucas High School at 1 pm in Sylvan. Hope you can attend!
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White
Reminder: 1 hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday 4/24/2018. The senior class will be leaving at 5:45 am to go to the State Capital in Topeka.
almost 7 years ago, Brenda White