Have you heard of our Beef to Schools program which is sponsored by local producers and the USD 298 Education Foundation? The purpose of the program is to utilize locally grown high quality hamburger from around the Lincoln County area. Local producers donate an animal to be butchered and processed into hamburger that is used for different meals for the LJSHS and LES school lunch program. The processing is paid for by the USD 298 Education Foundation and the steaks from the animal are offered to the public for purchase by donation to help the foundation recoup the processing costs. The steaks are wrapped in packs of two, either two ribeye steaks or two t-bone steaks. Suggested donation is $20/pack, which is a tax deductible donation through the foundation. Since the program began and has become well utilized by our schools we have booked future appointments at the Ellsworth Packing Plant, Inc., Ellsworth, KS. Click on the link to the Beef to Schools to sign up. If you would like to donate, fill in your name and contact information. John Buttenhoff will contact you with the details of the program. Already processed hamburger meeting state inspection protocols can be accepted as well. The hamburger has to be processed at a plant with state inspection protocols. If this is a better fit for your donation desires, contact John Buttenhoff buttenhoff.john@usd298.com for more information. As always, we will also accept “cash cow” donations from those who may not have a real live bovine at home. There is a plaque at the Lincoln Jr/Sr High School with the names of generous donors; your name could be there too! Thank you to all who have helped make this program a success. It is great to have such generous patrons in our community! https://forms.gle/61rrXQMDmD5p...

Beef To Schools
June 23, 2021